Fullerton Markets’ Malaysian team visited the children at Teratak Nur Barakah in Shah Alam on 6th October 2018. The team brought food items and household necessities for the orphanage to feed 25 children under their care.

The orphanage is more than just a place of shelter. They provide education to prepare the children for society and the work force. Mario Singh is encouraged that the orphanage stresses on the importance of education as it is an important part of development. Education provides people with the ability to make an impact in society.

“The least we could do as an organisation is to help with the daily necessities while they focus on education their children for the future”, says Mario Singh. Thank you to our young hosts for warmly welcoming us into their home and for letting us be their playmates for a day!

Teratak Nur Barakah Orphanage (Malaysia)