THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What will it take for Singapore to continue to pull in strong investments year after year?

The S$13 billion in investment commitments that Singapore has secured in the first four months of 2020 is certainly impressive. There are two factors that will allow Singapore to continue pulling in strong investments.

Firstly, our international reputation. We have scored highly in international rankings, pulling in accolades like the world’s most competitive economy and safest city in personal and infrastructure security. Such rankings, coupled with our economic and political stability, make Singapore an attractive destination during times of both economic expansion and global uncertainty.

Secondly, a highly skilled and relevant workforce. Already a top regional hub for trade and finance, Singapore’s vision of a Smart Nation puts it front and centre in the current landscape of global digital transformation. A highly skilled and relevant workforce in rising sectors like biotechnology and digital media will continue to draw multi-national companies to set up base in Singapore and tap its labour force.

These two factors are important to continually attract FDI flows and complement Singapore’s export-oriented economy.


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