THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What new idea or novel approach to doing things would you like to see Singapore consider adopting?

I’m currently reading 50 Secrets of Singapore’s Success – a collection of 50 essays by some of our top leaders and experts. The book begins with the top three reasons for Singapore’s rapid transformation from a Third World nation to a First World powerhouse:

1) Effective leadership

2) Efficient civil service

3) Budget sustainability

These three factors should always be at the forefront of our country’s governance. However, as a meritocratic society, there can be drawbacks. Individual traits, such as self-centredness and indifference to fellow Singaporeans, can emerge.

Hence, I would like to see more social policies evolve from conversations with Singaporeans in all walks of life. For this to work, we need to cast off any sense of indifference or fear and debate issues constructively. Only then can we take our country forward with a robust national identity that is shared by all Singaporeans.


Mario Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Fullerton Markets