THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What curriculum (or other) changes are needed to better prepare Singapore’s university graduates for the new economy and the future of work?

The fourth industrial revolution refers to the fusion of technologies that would blur the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres. If the fourth industrial revolution is the means to bring forth global innovation, Covid-19 is certainly the pedal that accelerates it. To determine what curriculum is needed to prepare the future graduate, we must first know what the future employee is like. This would be someone who is Internet-savvy, thrives on teamwork, and is comfortable with new and emerging technologies of the future. Hence, the curriculum must be upgraded to ensure that the graduate would be equipped with a framework of innovation, coupled with robust digital and data literacy.

Additionally, the pandemic has taken a toll on household income because of organisational lay-offs. It would certainly be a value-add if the learning institutes provide flexible curriculum modules for the mature market to upgrade and upskill themselves as they reinvent for the future too.


Mario Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Fullerton Markets