THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Should proof of Covid vaccination be required for international travel?

The short answer is yes but there’s more to it where governments are concerned. For example, Singapore doesn’t currently require travellers to be vaccinated against Covid-19 before they enter the country. However, stringent tests and stay-home rules are in place to ensure that the virus does not enter the community. Hong Kong, on the other hand, is making it mandatory for people leaving the city for Singapore to be vaccinated.

In my view, the decision whether to implement mandatory vaccination hinges on two factors. Firstly, the overall control of Covid-19. Each country has different challenges to deal with and getting the virus under control precedes further government decisions on travel bubbles.

Secondly, other countries could still impose quarantine measures even for inoculated travellers. This would also impact the decision to travel, regardless of whether one has been vaccinated or not.

Mario Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Fullerton Markets