THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: How should businesses plan for recurring Covid-19 clampdowns in response to new waves of infection?

There are two ways for business owners to respond to the new waves of infection. The first is to grit our teeth, stick to what we have been doing and hope that the storm passes soon. The second way is to plan ahead, pivot the business where necessary and prepare for a new way forward.

In my view, the second option is better. The Covid-19 fight could take several years. A new mindset is needed to react to future possible outbreaks. But planning and pivoting the business to fit the new normal is critically important for sustainable success.

In Spencer Johnson’s Who Moved My Cheese, the author tells a powerful story of how different mice react when their cheese is gone. Some complain while others head out to find new cheese. Business owners owe it to their staff, stakeholders and ultimately to themselves to make the painful but necessary switch. Change must always come from within.

Mario Singh
Chief Executive Office
Fullerton Markets