THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What “next big thing” could Singapore set its sights on for the decade ahead

IN 2021 alone, Singapore topped the world in many rankings like the International Maritime Centre and the WSJ’s Index of Economic Freedom.

Rather than discuss what “next big thing” we could set our sights on, I would like to share some of the reasons that underpin our success as a small nation. The book Fifty Secrets of Singapore’s Success cited three reasons that were responsible for Singapore’s transformation from third world to first. They are:

Effective leadership

Efficient civil service

Budget sustainability

There is so much truth and wisdom in the three points above, whether running a successful country or enterprise. As long as we hold on to those three imperatives, there is no mountain we cannot climb and no challenge we cannot overcome as a nation. The next big thing would be ours for the taking. Happy 56th birthday Singapore, we are all so proud of you!

Mario Singh

Chief Executive Office

Fullerton Markets