THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Drawing from the current global chip shortage, how might a similar crisis be prevented in the future?

The global shortage of chips is not an easy problem to solve as even the biggest players are faced with huge challenges.

GlobalFoundries, a contract chip manufacturer, is exploring delaying maintenance tasks and speeding up rates of wafer movements to build more chips. Another big player, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co, is grappling with the drought in Taiwan – chip manufacturing uses billions of gallons of water a year.

I see two ways to prevent a similar crisis in the future. Firstly, governments and corporates should mine data for predictive analysis to track chip supplies and movements all over the world.

Secondly, a deeper collaboration between chip makers on how they can possibly collaborate with each other to use their factories for mutual benefit. Some issues facing one country or one chip maker may not necessarily impact a manufacturer in another country.

Mario Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Fullerton Markets