THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: As businesses do their part to help contain the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, how might they strike the right balance between “business as usual” and taking care of the risks?

The chief priority in balancing the scales of ”business as usual” and ”taking care of the risks” must lie in the personal safety of every individual within the organisation. This takes precedence over everything else.

As an example, if ”business as usual” entails making trips to China to meet clients or vendors and putting staff at risk, then business owners have to think of alternative initiatives without the physical meet-up.

In our company, we had to make a tough but necessary decision to postpone our annual conference and gala dinner which normally draws partners from 30 countries. This is a responsible measure to ensure that communal activities aren’t carried out as safety remains a top concern.

Our Human Resource department has also sent out notices to all staff reminding them to take extra precaution on personal hygiene matters and to ensure that all offices are disinfected after every group meeting.


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