THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: How is your organisation gearing up for the impact and challenges, if the Covid-19 pandemic should last a year or longer?

On March 12, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong gave his second national address on the Covid-19 outbreak and mentioned that we need to be prepared for the situation to continue for a year or more.

We have three BCP initiatives that we have implemented during this period. Firstly, we have segregated our teams and made arrangements for our colleagues to work from home to minimise physical contact with each other. Secondly, we have deferred all non-essential travel. This includes postponing regional meetings and cancelling appearances in conferences and keynotes. Lastly, we have moved all essential physical meet-ups to online meetings instead.

This crucial period, while challenging, is a real test for business sustainability all across the world. If businesses do experience a protracted lull, now would be the time to experiment with new business models or upgrade existing methods. All through centuries, what has pushed the human race forward has been, and always will be, our indomitable spirit. We must stand together and stay vigilant.


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