THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: How is your organisation girding for the recession? Are there any silver linings or bright spots amid the economic gloom?

The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on many industries including the airline, tourism, retail and F&B sectors. As a brokerage firm, we are thankful that our industry has been slightly shielded from the recessionary pressures. This is because the combined effects of stay-home measures with unprecedented liquidity injections by central banks have drawn many people to open up trading accounts. However, during our recent mid-year company review, I reminded the company of the importance of staying focused en-route to achieving our year-end goals.

As the old saying goes: when you are down, the only way to go is up. Many of us are affected by the recession and the harsh fact is that the economy is going to get worse before it gets better. However, we can all tide through this with a resilient mindset. In this respect, one silver lining is the recent announcement by Google and the Singapore government to train 3,000 local entry-level and mid-career job seekers for future employment.


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