Fullerton Markets today announced the official start of its charity arm, Fullerton Foundation.

Called we are M.A.D. (making a difference), the Foundation partners with different communities to help educate and equip people for sustainable change.


Said CEO of Fullerton Markets Mario Singh, “Our initiatives include activities in orphanages and halfway houses all over Asia. We are particularly passionate about children – they are the future pillars of society and we must always remind them that all their dreams can come true if they work hard and never give up.”

Discussing some of the initiatives which Fullerton Foundation has kicked off, Mario excitedly added, “We’ve had some activities in Thailand, Laos and Indonesia already. These included visits to orphanages and welfare centres where we spent time with the kids and donated food supplies. I particularly remember our visit to the House of Blind and Deaf for children in Vientiane, Laos. It was such a meaningful event for everyone – we ate together with the kids and they even taught us sign language.”

“We are deeply appreciative to the entire team at Fullerton Markets for the donation of the bicycles. The kids love it!” said Mrs Leni from Vistos Kasih Ikhlas orphanage in Batam, Indonesia.


When asked what is the driving force behind Fullerton Foundation, Mario said, “I think Winston Churchill summed it up best when he said, ‘We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.’