THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What has changed the most for your business this year?
The pandemic this year has upended almost every area of our lives, from mandatory wearing of masks and safe distancing measures to SafeEntry check-ins and the “rule of five” for social gatherings.

On the business front, many have suffered while others have taken pains to pivot. For us at Fullerton Markets, the biggest change was not so much the transition from physical meetings to online ones, but rather the mindset shift that was needed to assimilate the change. As we have an open culture throughout our organisation, physical interactions and the bonds that come with solving challenges – or celebrating wins – took a hit.

It took a while but everyone understood the need to pivot almost entirely online without a loss of relationship and productivity.

In one of our global online meetings, I shared the word ubuntu which is an African philosophy that means “I am, because we are.” As we enter the final month of 2020, may we all reflect on the truth that we are human only through the humanity of others.


Mario Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Fullerton Markets