THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What should be the focus of Singapore’s Budget 2021? Is there any issue in particular you wish to see addressed?

Come Budget 2021, it will not be surprising to see the government continue its significant financial support for the aviation and tourism industries. Before the pandemic, the aviation sector contributed to 12 per cent of our country’s GDP and employed about 375,000 people.

I expect to see a tapering off in the Jobs Support Scheme as companies pivot and start gaining a stronger footing in the economy. However, the government’s overall focus for Budget 2021 will likely be on three areas: continual job creation, upskilling the labour force, and advancing our Smart Nation initiatives.

Personally, I would like to see more development in the blockchain arena. With 5G, AI and IOT becoming common buzzwords, taking a leadership role in the global blockchain arena can seal our vision of becoming the world’s first Smart Nation.

Mario Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Fullerton Markets