THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: What is most critical in building enduring, resilient businesses?

The single, most important thing in building enduring, resilient businesses is culture. In our organisation, we define culture as the combination of values and behaviour. Simply put, values are what pulls us on the inside. Behaviour is what pushes us on the outside. Our four values are passion, excellence, commitment and sustainability while our two behaviours are speed and service. Together, these six traits make up our company culture.

The benefits of developing a strong, healthy culture are enormous. Firstly, it gives everyone a sense of corporate identity and belonging. This is important for alignment because almost everyone has different personal values. Secondly, it boosts productivity and gives everyone a sense of meaning. This ultimately strengthens the social fabric of the organisation and increases loyalty in the long term. That is why management consultant Peter Drucker said: ”Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

Mario Singh

Chief Executive Officer

Fullerton Markets