Entrepreneurs are a special and unique set of people. Their mindsets and thought process are different from the average joe, and they react differently to situations. Most entrepreneurs carry a set of traits that beautifully combines insanity and creativity, birthing innovation.

However, if you’re someone who comes up with original ideas to replace current technology, it does not necessarily make you an entrepreneur. It could only mean that you’re an excellent engineer.

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur, take a piece of paper and pen, and check out the following list. You may not have all these characteristics, but if you have some, that is a pretty good indicator that you have what it takes.

Let’s start!

1.   You grew up in a family of self-employing individuals.

2.   You hate the system and status quo; you’re always questioning why people do the things they do. In return, you offer alternatives to improve the system and take action.

3.   You’re confident, optimistic, and a tad bit narcissistic.

4.   You’re passionate about things. Even though it won’t earn you a dollar, your passion keeps going.

5.   You don’t take no as an answer.

6.   You create relationships or partnerships from your ability to connect the dots.

7.   You are likeable because your passion pulls people towards you.

8.   You’re charismatic.

9.   You spend more time at work than with your family.

10. You were a lousy employee, or you switch jobs very often. It’s not a sign that you’re a bad person; it may just be that you’re meant to be self-employed instead of an employee.

11. You always resist management because of your ethics or ideas.

12. You believe that job security is not dependent on your boss; it means having control of your career.

13. You’re very competitive and not a sore loser.

14. You work longer hours than the average worker a week, so you earn more than them.

15. You want to be in command of what you do.

16. You see opportunities everywhere.

17. The word “pitch” is no longer associated with just sports.

18. You’re a logical thinker with more than a few ideas to resolve problems.

19. You’re a people person, and you have no problem communicating with others.

20. You’re unpredictable.

Now check your scores. How well did you fare? Did you score more than 10 traits?

Don’t be disheartened if you have less than 10. It does not mean you’re not suitable to be an entrepreneur. Some characteristics develop over time, and you just need to recognise certain traits that are tell-tale signs of an entrepreneur.

Being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle, not a career, occupation, or job. It’s an addictive lifestyle to people who can swallow the anxiety, knock the walls down, sell ideas, and dislike the status quo.

To your success,


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