Entrepreneurship takes mastery, and this is something we all know and have accepted. It’s a common assumption that all entrepreneurs are well-read and learned people, who are also equipped with a lot of skills.

Being skilled, of course, isn’t just something that you get from education. Yes, formal business education is a huge plus, but that’s not all you need in order to succeed. To tell you the truth, even the most learned entrepreneurs fail at grasping the simple skills that can make you successful in business.

That’s why when I’m asked what the most important skills are for aspiring entrepreneurs, it’s never anything like data skills or knowing the stock market in and out. These are useful, but the most critical skills all entrepreneurs need are what I’m about to tell you in this list:

1. Networking

The word ‘networking’ and its typical associations have often raised eyebrows within business circles. To some, it may seem like the fakest word out there, as if people are just tools that you use to get things you want. But to me, this is a gross misunderstanding of how networking is and what it’s about.

Reducing networking to just utilising other people for your own benefit belittles all the things you could learn from it, like how to talk to people and get out of your shell. But more importantly, the truth is that you can’t get anywhere in business without networking.

As I’ve said over and over again, the number one reason for a company’s growth is sales, and it’s really simple logic that you can’t get sales if you don’t put yourself out there, get to know more people and build strong connections. So, start working on your conversation skills and get to networking. You don’t know when you’ve made a connection that can be fruitful for both of you in the long term.

2. Pitching

Next is pitching. Whether it’s is a product, a service, a speech to an audience, or a call for solicitations and funds, pitching is the way for you to close on possible clients.

You have no idea how many times I’ve heard of a friend who told me that their product flopped in front of possible investors. Often, it’s the same story. They have a great product that even I personally believed in, but when they’re tasked to explain it to larger audiences, the message falls short.

You need to trust your product, and show that you do. The only way to show that you know what you’re talking about is having the communication and charismatic skills that lead to great pitches.

If in baseball pitching, it’s three strikes before you’re out, in sales pitching it only takes one. Use your tries wisely.

3. Persevering

Finally, you have what I think is the most underrated skill. Too many times have I seen brilliant entrepreneurs fail because just as they were hitting their stride, they hit a rough patch and gave up. Some of them would then come to me asking me why they failed, but honestly, the answer can be found by looking at a mirror.

If you give up too easily just because something isn’t fruiting fast enough, then you’re really proving yourself right that you can’t do it. If you stop your product from succeeding, then you aren’t going to succeed. And this relentlessly negative mindset is what forces people to quit on something that could’ve been great.

Success is never guaranteed, but striving through the difficulty can get you there. So, stop giving up so quickly and bet on yourself, whatever the cost. Push through the pain and show yourself you’re worth it. Because whether you believe you can or can’t do something, you’re always going to be right.

I’m here to keep sharpening the skills I know you have, so let’s look at this video that’ll keep you crisp and ready: 3 Critical Skills All Entrepreneurs Need


To your success,


[Visit www.mariosingh.com now to enjoy a FREE e-book of my latest “37 Essential Principles for Massive Success” when you subscribe!]