Thought leaders – who are they and what does it take to become one? Now, think about your go-tos when it comes to subjects as varied as fashion, technology, entrepreneurship, or perhaps even the channels you frequent for your regular fix of entertainment news – these are sources you rely on and whose opinions seem to sit close to facts. We call them thought leaders.

The common misconception, though, is that thought leaders are restricted to those we see on TV and in magazines. Thought leaders exist in many fields and are accessible on platforms as diverse as podcasts, vlogs, blogs, forums and Instagram, offering industry updates, sound advice and great recommendations.

Another misconception is that not everyone can be a thought leader. Well, this isn’t true, because anyone has the potential to grow into one. No doubt, it isn’t achieved overnight, but with enough time and effort invested, you can develop yourself into the leading source of information in your field of choosing. Here are four things you must work on to be a thought leader:

1) Establish Your Credibility

We cannot impart what we don’t have. Similarly, how can we persuade people or influence their decisions on matters we have little experience in? To be a thought leader in a certain space, you’d first have to build knowledge, accumulate experience and keep updated on key trends in your field so that you can offer valuable insights to your target audience.

This stage might typically take the longest. It’s best to stick to your expertise, instead of touching on concerns outside your scope. Establishing credibility is a continuous and painful process, but identifying your focus and the topics or issues you’d want to be the voice of is a good start.

2) Develop Your Content

Be mindful of what you communicate, whether written or articulated. Make sure that your content is always centred on assisting your audience. Along the way, you may discover different approaches to best relay the information or wisdom you wish to impart.

Also, content doesn’t always have to be formal. You may consider giving trivia, featuring a story or sharing a quote. But always bear in mind that these should have relevance and use for your audience. There are ways to give formalities a break without compromising on your true objectives.

You may consider working with a team to brainstorm fresh, useful ideas in reaching out to your audience. Applying advice from other experts will also add to the quality of your content. Remember, while your experiences will help you provide answers to questions thrown at you, you may still not know everything. Seek help if needed. Keep the learning spirit burning. The more you gain, the more you’ll be able to give.

3) Maximise Your Platforms

Expanding your industry presence will boost your personal branding and influence. Fortunately, social media has made it a lot easier for us! With social media’s wide reach and strong impact, it’s a means through which you can quickly expand your network.

Look to visual platforms like Instagram if your content revolves around product reviews and travel guides, for example. If you’re in the business field and distribute content related to B2B marketing, then LinkedIn could be your top choice. You may hope to maintain it alongside other social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Take advantage of available tools. Do a live stream, host a watch party and upload videos. Even a quick selfie at an event that you’re attending, with a catchy caption included, may subtly help. Building your presence, creating your persona, and engaging your audience on social media can be done for free, so there’s no excuse to miss it!

4) Be Consistent

Your clout is only as good as the effort you put in to maintain it. Keep your influence hype. Be consistent in reaching out to your audience. It will be helpful to set intervals in updating your platform(s). You don’t have to update them every day, but sharing content regularly can be reassuring.

At the end of the day, thought leadership is more than popularity and business agenda. It aims to guide people in making wiser or more educated decisions with the use of influence, knowledge and connection. Always remember the purpose in everything that you impart and you’ll be on your way to enjoying the perks and fulfilment of being a thought leader.

To your success,


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