I’m sure everyone wants to get smarter. 

Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to figure out just how to do that. And this is where the importance of daily habits comes in.

As with anything, intelligence is the accumulation of actions and knowledge that you embody and internalise regularly, and that’s what makes daily habits so powerful in getting smarter.

So what are some everyday habits that can help boost your intelligence? 

1) Make Reading a Ritual

We’ve so often heard that to get smarter, you have to read. But the reason it’s cliché is because it’s true. Smart people read, and they read with purpose. 

Now that last part is important. While many publications might tell you smart people read x minutes per day or x books per year, it’s actually more important to read with intent and really comprehend what you’re reading. Through doing this, you better absorb what you’re reading, and therefore gain more perspectives and ideas that you wouldn’t have if you were forcing yourself to read. Check out these smart reading hacks from top entrepreneurs to get you started. 

Also, reading allows you to explore and immerse yourself in new experiences. A smart person is one who knows how to find inspiration from anywhere, including all the different kinds of books they encounter. So try reading things that might scare you, because you never know what takeaways you’ll leave with.

And speaking of doing things that seem scary…

2) Get and Stay Fit

A common misconception perpetuated on TV and in movies is that being smart necessitates being a nerd lacking or having no interest in acquiring physical skills, and the inverse is true too. The “dumb jock” or “dumb hot girl” stereotype is so often depicted that many of us grow up thinking it uncommon to have smarts and be in great shape. 

But that isn’t true at all. In fact, an actual smart person understands that taking care of their body and health is of the utmost importance. They recognise that it doesn’t matter how smart you are in business or science or arts, if your body is failing to function.

That’s why exercise is important. It conditions your body and better prepares you for tasks by keeping your blood flowing, emotions boosted, and removing all the harmful toxins that can make you feel sluggish and defeated.

Remember that a healthy body breeds a healthy mind, which leads me to…

3) Eat Right

While we’re on the topic of how nutrition makes you smarter, it goes without saying that eating well is just as important as exercise. In fact, a proper diet might be even more important than exercise, as it gives your body the nutrients it needs to keep the system going.

This isn’t to say that you should miss out on special events or not indulge yourself sometimes (believe me, I can never say no to good food), but you have to consider what you put into your body if you want to make the most of your mind. A good car runs on good fuel, and the same thing applies to eating healthy to properly power your brain. 

Aside from the physical benefits, eating well teaches you  about self-control and discipline, traits you need to further improve your intelligence. And speaking of self-control…

4) Meditate 


To many, meditation might sound like some cheesy new age-type deal. But that isn’t the case. Modern science, including research by Harvard University, shows that meditation and mindfulness have noticeable benefits on a person’s cognition

Meditation helps you focus and centre yourself on the things that are important. With meditation, you learn to remove the clutter, set priorities, and develop the internal strength you need to carry out tasks. Knowing yourself and what you’re capable of is a huge part of intelligence, and putting your mind at ease through meditation is one way you can achieve that. 

Smart people understand that mindfulness matters. They know that they aren’t in the past, or the future, but that they can only control what’s in the now. And meditation is one big way to learn that.

5) Socialise

Intelligence goes beyond the personal and internal; it extends to knowing how to socialise and making connections. 

They understand the value of interpersonal relationships and cultivating them. They leverage the experiences of others to help build on their own body of knowledge. Learning from others helps them grow as people. 

So the next time you scoff at that friend who’s always partying, or that gregarious person who loves getting to know people at networking events, consider letting loose and doing it yourself. Your intelligence means little if it isn’t shared with others. 

6) Utilise Your Online Time Wisely

Using social media seems harmless.  It might even seem that the people who have managed to steer clear from social media completely are either hippies or stuck in a peaceful but naive life, right? 

But I urge you to actually look at your phone consumption and see how long you use those apps. Are you mindlessly scrolling on Twitter for two hours every day? It might not seem like much right away, until you realise that’s almost 10% of your whole day just on one app! That’s not even taking into consideration all the other apps you use! Plus, excessive use of social media brings with it a whole host of problems

An intelligent person understands the value of time. Those tiny seconds spent whittling away and waiting for notifications are moments that can never be replaced. Instead, use this time to upgrade and nourish yourself – pick up a book, go for a walk, plan your meals for the week, or catch up with friends. 

Want to get smarter? Then start now. 

To your success,


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