Always looking at the worst angle at your situations or challenges? Tired of constant pessimism in life?

Your perception of life is dependent on your past. Holding on to the past = Holding onto Negativity.

Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilised by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself. – Walter Anderson

You had a bad childhood growing-up or you had a bad boss who didn’t value your potential. Either have left scars in your mind that altered your mindset towards life – changing you from optimism to pessimism.

Forgive the past. Holding onto the pains that you’ve experienced will only bring more harm to yourself, not to the offender. Dwelling in the past allows constant negativity to remain in you. It acts like an unforgiving reminder of those awful experiences that turns your mind off from positivity.

A defining moment before I could build my career was to forgive. The moment I forgave myself for doing badly in school, my spirit was lifted and career opportunities opened its doors for me. – Mario Singh

Don’t confuse this with learning from mistakes. Bad experiences aren’t necessarily a product of our wrong-doing, most often than not it is something that we are unable to control. – Like the abusive and toxic people around or above you.

We learn from our mistakes, move on, and do better – yes. But don’t hold onto the past, it does not help you in any way.

Being optimistic or pessimistic is a choice, you have the power over your mind, don’t let scavengers steal your happiness and positivity from your life. You are above and more powerful than them, your life is more valuable than theirs.

My friend, don’t view life and its experiences as an enemy that beats you down, see it as a sparring partner that lifts you up when you’re at your lowest.


Mario Singh