Success is all about the money, fame, and glory. That’s the constant message we see on social media. The allure of success motivates you to step up and leave your comfort zone and start earning a fortune for yourself. But is the journey all a bed of roses?

I’m willing to bet it is not. It is akin to the advertisement you just watched featuring a product’s best features but only to find out it didn’t live up to its hype.

The motivational quotes I provide on a weekly basis are not created just to motivate you to be an entrepreneur, it is to motivate everyone at all levels to be the best you can possibly be. Every single day. Going against the norm, I am writing this article to share with you the struggles of being an entrepreneur. Because I believe not everyone is cut out to be one.


The journey is lonely. That’s because only you and you alone fully understand your ambition. No one will fight as hard as you to see your vision come to fruition. It’s also lonely because when you’re bootstrapping, you travel alone, you pitch for a deal alone, you face the rejection alone and you fight the negativity alone.

But why do entrepreneurs keep pushing forward since it is so lonely and tough? We keep at it NOT because we will definitely succeed but because we know if we keep moving forward, we will never fail. We keep at it NOT because it’s always fun but because it will always be worthwhile. And we keep at it because we know deep down that what we get in the end pales in comparison to who we become during the process.


Being an entrepreneur will require a ton of sacrifices. One of them is family time.

I sacrificed a lot of my time with my family (and continue to do so) to bring my organisation to new heights. This sacrifice is particularly hard for me. I treasure family time and I certainly do not want to miss any special moments or milestones in the family. But sacrifices is a requirement to be an entrepreneur.

But here’s my two cents that can radically change your perception if you’re an entrepreneur or thinking of becoming one:

  1. You are NOT sacrificing your loved ones. You are sacrificing FOR them. There’s a huge difference.
  2. If you can’t handle the loneliness or the thought of being your biggest cheerleader, you’re probably not cut out to be an entrepreneur in the first place.

Can you accept this lifestyle?

Are you able to accept this lifestyle? Are you able to embrace loneliness and sacrifice which entrepreneurship so brutally demands from you? If you can, then make a promise to yourself that you will see your vision to its completion – come hell or high water.

If you are not able to accept such a lifestyle, that’s ok as well. It’s so important to have a sense of self-awareness. No two people are exactly the same. Entrepreneurship is not always a bed of roses. It’s important to understand the pains and struggles before making an informed decision to dive in. Understand what you are giving up but also know that who you become in the end will be your greatest treasure. Remember, the strongest metals are forged in the hottest fires.

I decided to be an entrepreneur many years ago and while the journey has not always been smooth sailing, it certainly has been most enthralling. Will you join me on this fascinating journey of entrepreneurship? Let’s come together and be a force for good for ourselves, our communities and eventually the entire world.