A pillar is essentially what holds all buildings together. Likewise, in terms of business, pillars are established within the management as a strong foundation.

Most organisations are shifting their focus to develop a good company culture, but what constitutes an organisational culture? Culture is not about the free food, employee trips, gym access that Fortune 500 companies provide. If you dig deeper, it is about core values and behaviours.

Core values and organisational behaviours are the pillars that hold organisations together and bring them to greater heights. Culture helps employees fit into the operational and behavioural standards of an organisation, it prevents employees from being misfits and it is easy to spot an employee who doesn’t fit into the culture.

Core values are a set of values created by an organisation that best represent the organisational outfit. It consists of personal values like family, growth, achievement, honesty, equality. Different people have different values, but there are values that can be achieved as an organisation.

Let’s take Fullerton Markets, an Asia Pacific’s fastest growing brokerage firm that I am currently leading for example. I’ve developed four core values for Fullerton Markets:

  • Passion
  • Excellence
  • Commitment
  • Sustainability

1. Why passion? Because:

Passion produces Energy.

Passion delivers sharper Focus.

Passion solves problems faster.

2. Why excellence? Because:

Excellence empowers people to take responsibilities for their tasks.

Excellence helps to set priorities and own domains.

Excellence moves people from reactive to proactive to creative.

3. Why commitment? Because:

Commitment embodies all the ingredients required for success:

persistence, discipline, and determination.

4. Why sustainability? Because:  

Sustainability means the organisation plans for the future. In the short-term, Fullerton Markets want to be efficient and effective. In the mid-term, Fullerton Markets want to develop people to become leaders. In the long-term, Fullerton Markets want to make a difference, shaping the communities and sustaining the future.

What about behaviours? Behaviours are fruits from values, it is what organisations portray externally to their shareholders and stakeholders.

5. Why speed? Because:

Speed is the symphony of efficiency. In the movie “The Founder” by Michael Keaton, it shows how McDonalds changed the speed of their car hoppers from 30mins to 30seconds! This change boosted the business as drive-thru customers receive their orders quickly and efficiently.

6. Why service? Because:

Service excellence is a huge differentiator between businesses in the 21st century. Service can either destroy or popularise a business overnight.

With social media technology, consumers can take their complaints to their phones and it can turn viral in no time. Turn this technology into your advantage by ensuring that service is at its best in your organisation.

Excellent service helps organisations to build relationships with their stakeholders, win clients, and facilitate savings. At Fullerton Markets, I believe in responding proactively and empathetically in both positive and negative feedback.

Why are these important?

Values and behaviour create a winning culture and a great culture creates a happy working environment, a driven workforce, and happy clients.

To your success,



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