As humans, we are definitely bias towards certain people, brands, and products. But there is one type of biasedness that you can use towards your advantage; the recency bias.

Recency bias is a psychological term on how humans remember an event that happened recently as compared to something that happened awhile back.

I experienced this psychological effect when I was a trader. When I had a streak of 7 wins but finished the week with 3 losses, I remembered the losses I had more than the 7 wins I enjoyed. Why? Because it is the effect of recency bias.

On another week, I had a streak of 7 losses but finished the week with 3 wins, I was happier than I had 7 wins in the previous week. Why? Recency bias.

Why am I sharing this with you? Since we remember recent events and attach feelings to it, why not use it to your advantage? Your thoughts and attitudes are the only thing you can control in your live.

Dr. Emoto, a Japanese author and entrepreneur who postulated that human consciousness had an effect on the molecular structures of water. He conducted three experiments using positive and negative words and thoughts.

1. Speaking

Dr. Emoto spoke positive and negative words to two different glasses of water over a period of time, he examined the molecules formed in both glasses and discovered that the water which he spoke positively to formed beautiful water crystals. However, the glass that he spoke negatively to formed unstructured and irregularly shaped molecules.

2. Writing

In a second experiment, he wrote positive and negative words onto a piece of paper and pasted it on two different glasses of water. A few days later, he went back to examine the water molecules and discovered the same findings from the first experiment.

3. Thoughts

In his last experiment, he minded positive and negative thoughts towards two different glasses of water and examined the water molecules. He discovered the same findings again in the first and second experiment.

What does this prove?

Dr. Emoto’s experiment shows that your words and thoughts will define your life.

If business leaders constantly speak and write negatively towards your employees, they will eventually feel lousy and look elsewhere for employment. If entrepreneurs constantly feel that they are unable to succeed, eventually you will not succeed.

Inculcate a habit of chalking up positivity in our thoughts, speech, and actions in our lives and towards others. The magic of bias in this positive sense will shape our destiny bigger and brighter every day!

To your success,



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