There are several success methods to help you achieve success. In this article, I want to share my personal secrets for mega success with you. Within 5 years of my entrepreneurship journey, I have established 5 multi-million-dollar companies and I want you to enjoy the same success.

1. Knowledge

The world does not lack knowledge, but the world lacks important knowledge. With the current technology, information is everywhere. We are constantly bombarded with information by the media, internet, books, and our mobile devices.

Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business leaders should focus to seek two types of knowledge to improve themselves and their business:

  • What I need to know.
  • Who I need to know?

What you need to know will determine how far you will bring your business forward. What do you need to know in your current industry? Are you regressing behind or progressing forward in terms of technology?

The second point will bring in relevant contacts to grow your business. Networking is essential for all entrepreneurs, CEOs and business leaders. Knowing people will help bring into your business new ideas, expertise, sales, and growth.

2. Action

While the world does not lack knowledge, but it lacks action. The 30th President of the USA, Calvin Coolidge said “The world of full of educated derelicts”. Humans know a lot, but they don’t achieve a lot.

You need to move and bring your knowledge into action. Taking action with your knowledge will bring you results.

Why don’t people take action? The reason is fear. Our human nature is afraid of failure and the unknown. Hence, only a small amount of people who has overcome this fear are able to succeed.

If you’re afraid, start small. As you start taking small steps, you will create motion. Motion creates emotion. And emotion fosters momentum. Finally, the momentum will carry you higher.

3. Desire

While some have both knowledge and action, but they might not have the right desire to push through. What is your desire from your knowledge and action? What do you want to achieve?

Founders of Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google have a common desire to change the world, to make the world convenient and accessible.

Find your inner desire for your knowledge and action, and you can be the next Fortune 500 CEO.

To your success,



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