Everyone have basic knowledge on goal-setting, but there are different categories of goal setting for people at different executive levels. Instead of using a common goal-setting template for yourself, why not use a template that successful people use?

As a reference for you, I’ve included a 4P matrix that summarises that entire formula you need on goal setting before I move into the break-down of each point.

1. Philosophical Goals

Enlarge your philosophical knowledge, these will shape your beliefs and your views on the world.

There are several books on philosophy available in bookstores and e-commerce platforms. Choose one that resonates most with you and indulge yourself in the word. If reading is not your thing, you can opt for audiobooks or seminars.

Your goals in this segment could be:

  • I need to listen more.
  • I am responsible for the results I create.
  • I don’t fail, I either succeed or learn.

2. Personal Goals 

Set goals to improve yourself. It could be getting better in shape, getting that qualification you want, or travel to countries you have never been to.

Put yourself in the centre of the universe, pay yourself first before embarking towards higher goals.

Your goals in this segment could be:

  • I will read one book a month.
  • I will lose x amount of weight.
  • I will pick up a new skill.

3. Profit Goals

Do you feel stagnant in your career or wish you could achieve more income besides your primary career?

If time allows, you might consider developing a secondary career that allows you to generate passive income from your skills. It could also be venturing into investment on businesses or portfolios.

Your goals in this segment could be:

  • I will make an additional $5000 a month.
  • I will close 10 more sales this month.
  • I will start an online business.

4. People Goals

Rich people are rich in their hearts, else they are only wealthy people. Regardless of income, you can be rich. Be rich towards your loved ones and you will fully enjoy the richness of life.

Start getting involved with people inside and outside your circle, volunteer your time at an animal shelter, or be an advocate for a social cause that you strongly believe in.

Your goals in this segment could be:

  • I will have a meal with my parents once a week.
  • I will start giving to charity.
  • I will volunteer my time for a good cause.

Once you get your goals, commit to achieving them. One key thing to remember: your goals need to be specific, time-framed, and achievable.

To your success,



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