In a corporate setting, leaders bring different thoughts and ideas to the table. Most leadership articles discuss common factors like integrity, effective communication, and influence. While these are positive qualities that leaders should possess, I’m here to share something that I believe will make you stand out as a leader – putting your employees first.

I firmly believe that there are two kinds of leaders; those who are born to be leaders and those nurtured through life experiences. Perhaps one of the most important traits of a leader is putting others before oneself. When you learn to focus on others instead of yourself, the world opens up to you. Understanding this changes who you are as a leader.

Putting others first may sound simple, but isn’t as easy to put into practice. Here are some ways to get you started:

1. Believe that People Are Assets

A good leader supports, develops, and grooms their people for success. Encourage and motivate them to grow into the person they want to be. When your employees are successful, it is a reflection of who you are as a leader. Invest in your employees and acknowledge that they are your biggest asset. Recognise the effort and hard work they put in, and they will work twice as hard to get that recognition from you.

2. Acknowledge Your Employees

Being valued and recognised are two of the most significant factors for employee satisfaction. It is of absolute importance that as a leader, you give your people credit and recognition for the work they do.

The top reason why employees leave their job is that they feel under-appreciated. A good leader should never take credit for the work that their employees do. A good leader is generous and makes recognition a culture in their team.

Make a conscious effort to acknowledge and appreciate top performers in a meeting When others see that their colleague is being recognised, it motivates them as well.

3. Know Your Employees

Know your people, I mean, really and truly know them.

Knowing their birth name and their position in your team does not equate to knowing them. That’s superficial knowledge that anyone can learn in a minute. Among the most important details you need to know about your employees are their goals and dreams, both as an individual and as an employee. Build on that knowledge, and you will understand them more as you walk a journey together.

4. Get Rid of Your Ego

Your employees will eventually outperform you, and they may accomplish things that you did not or could not achieve. They may also have better qualifications and may progress faster than you did. In hindsight, that is the biggest compliment you can receive as a leader; if your employee performs better than you do, it is because of your leadership. There is no need to be jealous.

5. Empower

People love to be empowered and authorised to make certain decisions. Allow your people to practise that and don’t shortchange them in the process. Don’t try to overwrite their decisions, but have an agreement that they have to be accountable for their decisions too. Create opportunities for your people to perform instead of keeping the executive tasks to yourself.

Being able to lead is a privilege. A bad leader may create a culture of politicking and unhealthy competitiveness in a company or team. A good leader creates an environment of recognition, value and empowerment. Each one of your employees keeps the engine of your company running. When you put your employees’ needs and interests before you or your company, you will be a more successful leader with a more successful business.

To your success,

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