What defines a great leader? Think of two leaders you admire and respect. Compare them with two leaders that are the complete opposite – leaders you dislike and disrespect. What are the striking differences?

As a leader, you need to know and understand specific traits that will help you achieve leadership success. Below is a list of 10 essential qualities a leader must possess. Look at the leaders that you’ve identified and compare their qualities to those listed below:

1.   Leads by example through their vision

They possess an unquestionable passion and belief in their vision and implementing it. Regardless of some people’s disapproval, focusing on where the organisation needs to go is their number one priority.

2.   Confident

Leaders are comfortable with who they are that they can carry out their tasks with conviction. They do not worry about the ill opinions of others.

3.   Inspires others

Great leaders communicate their message clearly and concisely to motivate those around them. They inspire people to achieve more and earn the respect of their people instead of demanding it.

4.   Other-centred

Great leaders never put their self-interests before the organisation. They focus on what is best for the company, while employees focus on strengthening their capabilities. Leaders also always look at the bigger picture and take into account the growth of their people and different aspects of their organisation.

5.   Self-assured

One of the essential traits of great leaders is their ability to discern their inner voice logically without prejudice. It guides them through every step to take paths that no one has gone before. Leaders must be able to discern and believe in this voice. They must learn to trust that it is there to guide them.

6.   Listens to others 

Great leaders value relevant insight and allow others into their circle to provide the counsel they need. They find resources and workforce to generate support for significant tasks and utilise the abilities of others, which is vital for success. Great leaders develop their employees by coaching and mentorship, so when the time comes that they need help, their employees can provide support.

7.   They have foresight

Great leaders take risks to move forward, and find ways to thrive in new and unchartered areas. They rise to the occasion and take the necessary risks and actions required for implementation.

8.   Communicates their passion 

Great leaders exude a passionate vibe that will rub off on the people around them. They have an effortless charisma and a bright personality that they consistently radiate because they are one with their work. People around them sense this and want to be part of the leader’s vision.

9.   Leads by following

Great leaders trust everyone who works under them. They open their hearts and ears to listen to their employees, as well as acknowledge the visions shared by them to help grow the company.

10. Persevering 

Great leaders embrace and overcome any obstacle; be it in their personal lives or at work. They focus on self-improvement, avoid negativity and eliminate habits that prevent them from being the best version of themselves.

Being a leader is not a position where you abuse your authority and influence. It is a privilege that you should utilise to encourage positivity and empower your employees to grow. Believing in their vision and ideas not only shows your ability as a leader, but your trust in them to build the company.

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