So you want to be an entrepreneur, but you’re not sure where to start. Don’t be afraid, because the truth is, turning your business into a reality is indeed a challenge, and it’s normal to find the task daunting. However, there are a lot of ways to materialise your dream of having a business. But they’re going to need a change in perspective and attitude.

1. Stop Planning So Much!

One of the most famous movie quotes ever is from the scene in Star Wars where Yoda says to Luke Skywalker, “Do or do not, there is no try.” While people are quick to point out how there is value in trying, I believe that the only point to this quote is that you ought to approach everything with the mindset that you’re going to actually do what you need to do.

This begins with actually starting on the project you’ve been dreaming about. Face it – mathematically, your dream business will never be a reality if you don’t actually commit yourself to taking the first step. Yes, it’s important to plan things, but plan with the ultimate goal of setting things into motion.

To get something done, you have to accept that you can never plan for every possible outcome. That’s why the best solution is always to start as soon as you can because nothing will ever be perfect.

Don’t get stuck in an infinite loop of planning, thinking, and saying you will try. Again, do or do not – there is no try.

2. Don’t Let the Fear of Failure Deter You

Few things have ruined dreams more than being scared of failure.

Here’s the truth – you are bound to fail at some point. In fact, you’re likely to fail multiple times. The good news, however, is that this is also true for everyone who has ever succeeded.

Failing is part of life, and it shouldn’t be seen as an end to your dreams. Instead, start viewing failure as bringing you closer to your goal. How? You start gathering lessons from each misstep, you root out things that aren’t working, you fine-tune processes and strategies – these will help shorten your journey to success. It’s okay to lose now and then; the key is learning to turn losses into wins.

Business is fickle and often unforgiving; and yet, all the more reason not to quit. When you fail, you are failing with so many other people – many of whom will probably quit right after their first failure. Sometimes all it takes is toughing it out and outlasting everyone else who did what you refused to do – quit.

3. Reach Out and Ask For Help

As a budding entrepreneur, you probably want to make sure that you receive all the credit. This is true for anyone starting out with something, whether it’s creative work or scientific research or starting their climb up the corporate ladder.

However, what you need to recognise is that everyone needs help. You need to be humble enough to know that you can’t do everything on your own. Like it or not, we live in a world connected to other people. It’s for that reason that you need to accept that reaching out takes you a long way.

If you want to succeed in your dream business, start reaching out. Make contacts. Make contacts from those contacts. Find out what you can offer them and what leverage they can give you. At the end of the day, everyone’s valuable, and there’s no such thing as too big of a network. Anyone can help you; you just need to start realising that so that you can start helping yourself.

To your success,


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