One common insecurity many of us might have faced at some point in time is feeling as if we aren’t enough, that we could be so much more than our current selves. This feeling is never entirely our fault. Oftentimes, we’re fed false notions of our own sense of self and competence. However, feeling like you aren’t enough is always more destructive than it is helpful.

How do you beat such self-defeating thoughts? Here are three ways for you to give more and be more.

1. Be Receptive to Constructive Criticism

Be open to receiving feedback, especially from trusted people who are willing to highlight areas you’re lacking in and steps to take to realise your true potential. Be prepared to take in and work on constructive criticism, even if it might not always be easy to do.

Yes, being at the receiving end of criticism can hurt, but that’s why you need to be able to humble yourself and accept that you aren’t perfect and are always learning. Once you’ve acknowledged this, it becomes a lot easier to recognise well-intentioned criticism or advice for what it really is – a way to improve.

Shunning advice or criticism for fear of being discouraged or having your weaknesses made known will only serve to work against you – you won’t know how you’re lacking and how much more you’re able to grow. Self-awareness and your own personal assessment can only get you so far. It’s also important to listen to how people see you and what they feel about you. That way, you can approach problems with a more holistic view and better identify what it is that you need to improve on.

2. Go the Extra Mile

We’re often hesitant to go the extra mile because we’re scared that it will make us look annoying, excessive or that we aren’t allowed to make efforts that seem grander or more elaborate than the norm. However, you realise over time that doing more doesn’t have to be about big displays. For example, going the extra mile to express love can be things as simple as giving a compliment or surprising your loved one with their favourite snack at the end of the day.

In the same way, making additional efforts at work doesn’t always involve some big gesture. It can be small things that make your presence felt and memorable. For example, answering a client’s call even when work is about to end or following up on a simple request by a colleague after office hours could be one way to show extra commitment.

Another way to go the extra mile is anticipating the needs of your supervisor and co-workers. For instance, if you have a list of things you need to do and none of them need much supervision, don’t wait for your supervisor to give you the go signal – go ahead and let them know you’ve already started. If your supervisor has to always check in on you to see if you’ve included graphs or data analysis in your reports, that’s a sign that maybe you should be more proactive and complete all these steps before submitting your report.

Going the extra mile doesn’t necessarily equate to grand gestures. Remember that extra miles are made of little steps, too. On that note….

 3. Offer Your Ideas

One of the best ways to give more and be more is by offering your ideas. When your employer or your company is looking for solutions, this isn’t the time to stay idle. In fact, it’s the perfect opportunity to share your ideas or creative thoughts.

It’s often easy to recognise the existence of a problem, but very few people will actually offer insight into a possible solution or workaround. Being more means being that person ready to resolve problems by offering solutions.

At work, familiarise yourself with processes, get to know as much as possible about the company’s offerings, learn from your colleagues, find out how you can better serve your customers. When you look to know and do more than just your job description, that’s when you gain better perspectives and can leverage these insights to come up with more effective solutions and systematic ways of solving existing or new problems. Lead the way and inspire others by being prepared, innovative, and proactive.

To your success,


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