Happy New Year!

2020 looks to be a remarkable year for all of us, especially as it ushers in a new decade and a promise of renewed efforts to conquer new horizons. As with any fresh beginnings, it’s important to make resolutions. Some might find it cheesy, but resolutions serve an important lesson – to remind us of the goals that we want to see through and the people that we want to become by the end of the year.

This applies in business too. Setting the tone for the new year isn’t just for individuals; it is just as important in strengthening groups and companies. As a leader, it has become my responsibility to make sure that everyone is centred on our goals entering the new year. With that said, here are three of my leadership resolutions for 2020:

1) I Will Be Accountable for My Staff’s Growth

As a leader, I need to be accountable for the growth of my staff. This, I believe, is how all leaders should approach the growth of their company – by first making sure the people who contribute to it continually develop and are mentally and professionally enriched. Nurturing an environment that stimulates, motivates and challenges each member to be better than what they were the year before (or even the day before!) matters. It’s the job of a leader to promote a working space where all are encouraged to do their best.

We preach so often about team culture and how the success of one is the success of all. Leaders need to apply this mindset to themselves as well, and it’s something I will carry with me in 2020.


2) I Will Build More Trust

In business, our staff are always going to be the lifeblood. But what purpose can they serve if they don’t trust their leader? Without trust, businesses fail because team members don’t feel connected to the brand’s cause or vision. As a leader, it is my role to make my staff feel like they matter. Because at the end of the day, they do matter. Trust involves reliable and consistent communication; establishing and building on common values; and creating a culture which is inclusive, transparent and honest.

Leaders need to do a better job at building trust and strengthening that connection before they can look to build a team that is committed to the company and its goals.

3) I Will Be the Kind of Leader I Want to Follow

New Year resolutions are typically individual goals. This is something that I can’t discount, even when making team goals. At the end of the day, how I approach my job will reflect on how other people do theirs. A mediocre leader results in mediocre staff while a diligent leader attracts equally hard workers. In the business world, the ones that succeed are the ones who not only express their values, but also put them into action. It’s my job to make others see the value in themselves once they see the value in me.

It’s often said that you can’t accept love if you don’t have it for yourself, and I think that’s true for leadership too. We need to better ourselves as individuals, and when we do, that’s when a positive force is released into the world to make others want to do the same.

Here’s wishing all of you a truly fruitful 2020!

To your success,


[Visit www.mariosingh.com now to enjoy a FREE e-book of my latest “37 Essential Principles for Massive Success” when you subscribe!]