If you’re an employer like me, you’ve probably done your fair share of giving interviews. And if you’re an employee, you’ve definitely experienced sitting for one. Either way, we’ve all been on one end of the interview dialogue.

And given that we’ve all experienced this generally nerve-racking part of the recruitment process, we’ve all perhaps tried to prepare for it in the best way we can. This often involves a series of standard questions that we’ve heard too many times; and inevitably, the same boring answers that recruits are led to believe answer the questions perfectly.

In fact, a simple Google search of “job interview questions” gives you over a billion results, many of which give you the aforementioned standard questions and answers. In this article, I’m going to give you three reasons why job interviews don’t matter if you’re not presenting the right questions, and maybe it’ll teach you how to really figure out which employees to hire.

1. Memorisation Doesn’t Test Understanding

The first reason that standard interviews don’t work is that they don’t test understanding. The typical interview questions are just a matter of memorisation. Anyone can come into an interview with a ready-to-go answer to the question “What are your strengths?” or “Where do you see yourself in five years?” But few people can really assess situations and understand problems.

The best way to test someone’s understanding of situations is by giving practical problems. It’s through doing this that you can really evaluate whether someone has the strategic thinking capabilities fit for your company. You can also get them to reverse-engineer problems, because this tests comprehension of problems that might not always work in just one way. A competent employee has to be able to solve problems from various angles, and this is just something that standard interview questions often miss.

2. Creativity is Key

Because standard interview questions risk coming with prepackaged, one-size-fits-all answers, such an interview will never be a test of creativity. It often fails to show how someone can adapt to a certain situation, or how they can provide new techniques to keep your business innovating.

When you interview, make sure you test someone’s ability to ideate, fix and solve in creative ways. Ask them about new ideas that they think might help the company, or get their opinion on the areas in which the business might be lacking. Not only do such scenarios test creativity, you’ll also get to see how much interviewees know about the business or industry, and how they’re applying their knowledge to possible opportunities and existing shortcomings. While understanding is one thing, being able to add onto something in a new way is another, and it’s something very valuable that you don’t just get from your standard interviews.

3. Jobs Require People Skills

The great irony of interviews is that it doesn’t test people skills. This might sound confusing, because how could a test that’s literally a conversation between two people not test interpersonal skills?

The answer lies in how the interview is generally conducted in a calm, controlled environment. It doesn’t assess you on how you act in tricky situations, where you have to deal with different kinds of people, some of whom might not always give the most rational takes or nice attitudes. As an employee, you’re going to need to be able to handle all kinds of people, and always put your best foot forward on behalf of the company. You’re going to need the charisma to get other people to do their best work and help carry the company. It’s this kind of grace and stoicism under pressure that can never be truly examined just by an interview.

So, make sure you work on these things – communication skills, comprehension, and creativity, and always remember that these won’t just get you through the interview, but will make you absolutely ready for life after.

Take a break from those boring job question/answer samples and watch this video to learn how you can really ace that upcoming interview:  The TOP COMMODITY Every Business Fights For (Part 2)

To your success,


[Visit www.mariosingh.com now to enjoy a FREE e-book of my latest “37 Essential Principles for Massive Success” when you subscribe!]