Most people dream of becoming a billionaire, and there’s good reason why. It’s true that billionaires live, at the very least, the most comfortable lives. You can do pretty much anything with financial freedom, and the big houses and lavish parties of billionaires are proof of that.

Now, it takes a lot of work to be a billionaire, including getting a lot of support from your team or employees, and investors. And truth be told, I’m nowhere near a billionaire yet. That said, this isn’t going to be an article about how to become one – much less how to become one quick.

Though even if you aren’t a billionaire, it only really takes two eyes for you to notice what all the billionaires have in common. I’m going to list them for you, and hopefully give you some insight on how you can do the small things all the richest people do:

1. The Richer Get Richer

The rich get richer, and this has been increasingly true in recent years. In 2019, only one of the top 20 richest tech moguls in the world hadn’t grown their wealth. Everyone else on the list was multiplying their riches. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, for example. grew his net worth by 40%, adding USD20 billion to it.

Only Amazon’s Jeff Bezos had failed to grow his net worth, but that was only because of his record-setting divorce that made his ex-wife Mackenzie the third richest woman in the world. Despite that, Bezos still kept his spot at the top as the world’s richest person.

To me, the growth of billionaires’ wealth, and Bezos’ maintenance of his riches is proof that being a billionaire is reserved for those who know how to continually add to their wealth. What this means for you is that you have to learn to make the most of what you have, and always have the mindset of adding more to the things you’re working with.

2. Americans Make the Most Billionaires

Does where you’re born play a factor in becoming a billionaire? Well, the answer seems to be a yes. While there are billionaires from all over the world, the United States has 705 billionaires, which makes for the most in the world. In fact, American billionaires have more wealth than the billionaires of the next eight countries combined!

Does this mean, however, that all is lost if you’re not an American? Definitely not! You can still be a billionaire from wherever you are, and all this means is that like billionaires, you need to be able to choose good locations and tap into big markets. Expand your worldview past just your home country, and see how your services can shape the world.

3. Philanthropy is a Hobby of the Rich

Outside of accumulating wealth, billionaires love to give to nonprofits! It’s an industry that makes up 5% of the wealth of billionaires. And oftentimes, billionaires aim to have a legacy built on giving back to others. For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation continues to serve underprivileged kids in Africa, and many billionaires continue to sign The Giving Pledge – a promise that their wealth will go to the less fortunate upon their passing.

Seeing how much money billionaires give to others has also inspired me to start my own philanthropic endeavour – the Soulrich Foundation. My charity focuses on strengthening the familial and spiritual well-being of others. Through this foundation, I’ve gotten a taste of the kind of fulfilment that billionaires experience when they give back to others.

I hope this article has taught you a thing or two about billionaires, and inspired you to start your own charitable causes. Our lives are measured not by what we get, but by what we give, and as billionaires have shown, they’re no strangers to giving the most amounts.

Even billionaires know how important it is to learn from others, so take a chance on this video and find out how you can bring yourself closer and closer to the top one percent: I Wanna Be A Billionaire!

To your success,


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