The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged countries into recession, and left so many with a lot less income. For some, this means it’s become extra difficult to pull oneself out of what might have been an already difficult financial state. This is real, and it’s valid.

I’ve always been of the mind that there’s always money to be made, and it doesn’t matter how little your starting capital is. There are ways to generate income and to run your own business, and you shouldn’t limit yourself to what’s available in front of you.

So, take action and start a business today! Here are 2 steps to take, that might be simpler than you think:


Despite the recession, companies like Amazon, Lazada, and Shopify have still managed to maintain rising profit numbers. This is partly due to just how big the e-commerce market is. I’m sure we’ve all bought a thing or two from online stores (and maybe even regretted a couple of purchases)! But the fact remains that e-commerce has become an irreplaceable part of our lives.

That said, why not flip it in your favour? If you’re watching this video right now, then that means you have access to the only thing you need to start – the internet. Outside of that, breaking into e-commerce is absolutely free. It also saves you money on staff, wages and other business expenses.

But where do you start? Well, the answer is as simple as looking around you. There are a lot of things you could probably sell. Do you have old vintage items in your house? I’m sure there’s a vintage collector out there willing to spend a few bucks on those things. Any clothes that don’t fit you anymore? Someone out there’s just your size and has that taste. All you have to do is post.

But if you don’t have anything physical to sell, then think about what you can do. Maybe you have a talent for making music, or doing graphic design. If that’s the case, go to sites like Fiverr or Upwork, where you can put yourself out there to start freelancing. Or maybe you make crafts like candles or woodwork, or do jobs like tutoring or cleaning. Don’t be afraid to advertise yourself, because for sure there’s going to be someone who needs your service.


Let’s say you don’t have anything to sell, whether it’s physical stuff or skills.

The other way to start a business is by following already established ways of earning money using digital tools. This could mean affiliate marketing and product referrals, that can give you passive income without even needing to sell any products.

Referral programs are pretty self-explanatory. It’s the same way you’d refer a friend to a new food place, or a video game they might like. The difference, however, is you can make money every time your friend decides to buy a product or service.

The Amazon Affiliate Program is one of the most popular ones out there. For every product your referrals buy, you get a kickback, and it’s all for free. The same is true for Airbnb’s referral program, which allows affiliates to earn USD20 for every referral that completes a stay.

Similarly, Fullerton Markets has its own affiliate service called PipBox, which helps you earn just by sharing content with your friends and social media followers! It’s an incredibly easy tool to get passive income and continue engaging the network you’ve already built. These kinds of platforms can help you convert what was essentially nothing into money you can use to start a business!

To get started, all it takes is a few simple clicks and hustling to get referrals. That’s really all it is – no catches, just hustle.

We’re so used to thinking we have to spend money to get money, that we fail to see what’s in front of us. Do a little self-assessment or identify the resources available to you, and start leveraging what you have to help you get out of your financial funk and on the road to freedom.

To your success,


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