I have a confession – I’m a workaholic. It can sometimes be difficult for me to find fulfilment outside of work, and taking a break can often feel like a foreign concept.

If you’re anything like me, you probably also spend way too much time working your butt off. Unfortunately, this can mean that we forget to appreciate the good things right in front of us. And this can even be to our own detriment, as we can fail to recognise the successes we’ve achieved.

When this happens – when we fail to own our wins – it’s only a matter of time before we start to feel demotivated, feel as if we’re plateauing, and experience a lack of satisfaction in ourselves and in what we do.

But maybe if we started owning our wins, we could start growing our confidence instead of inhibiting it. Owning our wins means accepting and riding our positive momentum, and using it to push us even further.

So how can you do this?

1) Recognise Your Achievements

One big contributor to the impostor syndrome we sometimes feel is that we’re way too hard on ourselves. We spend so much time feeling like a phony or a failure that we fail to see just how much we’ve accomplished.

What we need to understand is that all steps – big or small – are important steps. Look back on your victories, regardless of their size, and give yourself credit for achieving them.

I remember back when I was a kid, even something as simple as a piano recital or a perfect score on a quiz would call for some measure of celebration that included my parents taking me out. They could reward me with something as big as a trip to my favourite restaurant, or something as small as ice cream, but what was important was that I felt validated, and my efforts, recognised.

We need to give ourselves the same kind of positive affirmation. It’s through tracking small wins that we can build motivation, and turn that motivation into confidence. And at the end of the day, celebrating’s a lot happier than sulking, and we deserve to feel proud enough to do the former.

2) Continually Assess Yourself

In order to own your wins, you have to know your wins.

Yes, this sounds simple, but it takes a lot of self-reflection and honesty with yourself.

It starts with looking back on what has transpired. A lot of us want to move on from victories, and while it’s a good thing to stay hungry, you can’t improve if you don’t know your points for improvement.

Think about how you actually achieved success – which traits and values did you embody to help you succeed, and what were the distractions and threats to your success? What do you have to keep doing, and what could you afford to let go?

Developing confidence is not just about senseless pride. It’s also about being self-aware, and knowing your strengths and limitations. If you can be honest and humble enough with yourself to look at these things and see room for growth, then you’re already on the path to growing.

Also, keep building on your victories. Don’t just learn from your mistakes, but learn from your victories and find out what ingredients were part of your recipe for success. If you keep gaining these insights and applying them, you’re one step closer to owning your wins.

3) Share Your Victories!

Right off the bat, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with owning your wins. After all, shouldn’t owning your wins be about keeping them? Why should you share these victories you’ve personally worked so hard for?

In actuality, sharing your wins can be massively beneficial for owning them.

First of all, it helps you to recognise the people who have helped you along the way. There’s nothing wrong or weak about acknowledging the help you’ve received, and sharing the spotlight doesn’t make your wins any less impressive. Being able to thank others shows a lot of humility and maturity, especially when you win.

Also, sharing your wins means you can share your story and help others achieve their own wins. Being able to translate your wins into something that can help someone is one of the markers of mastery. If you can break down your wins and share some of your wisdom with others, that’s one way of knowing your wins were for real.

I hope these three points will help you to really start claiming your wins!

To your success,


[Visit www.mariosingh.com now to enjoy a FREE e-book of my latest “37 Essential Principles for Massive Success” when you subscribe!]