In a world that is constantly changing, the VUCA Entrepreneur stands out by embracing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Read on to find out how you can become a VUCA Entrepreneur and thrive in a constantly evolving world.

The acronym VUCA has been thrown around alot; especially in the last one year.

We live in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world. But then again, haven’t we ALWAYS been in one?

Enter the VUCA Entrepreneur.

The VUCA entrepreneur KNOWS there will ALWAYS be volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times. And is ready for it.

The VUCA entrepreneur KNOWS the struggle is guaranteed but the success is not…. and thrives on such conditions.

1975 was the oil crisis. Microsoft started in 1975.

1987 was the stock market crash. Huawei started in 1987.

1998 was the Asian financial crisis. Google started in 1998.

2008 was the global financial crisis. Airbnb started that same year.

2020 was the year of Covid. Many businesses started that year too. One example is Teremana Tequila started by Dwayne The Rock Johnson. The business is currently worth USD3.5 billion.

And just last year in 2022, at the height of the crypto meltdown with LUNA and FTX crashing, we had ChatGPT which is already valued at a mind-boggling USD29 billion!

What’s the point?

VUCA times will always produce VUCA Entrepreneurs….. entrepreneurs with Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility.

Ultimately, the VUCA Entrepreneur knows this:

The biggest rewards are reserved for those who solve the biggest challenges during the hardest times.

Be a VUCA Entrepreneur!