Have you ever watched a speaker captivate an audience with their words? It is like they have a magical power to inspire, influence and persuade people to take action. But how do they do it? What makes them so good at it?

After years of speaking to small and large groups, I have come to realise that there are three key elements to becoming a solid communicator: Purpose, Power, and Passion.

1. Speak with Purpose

The first key to being a solid communicator is to speak with purpose. Your purpose should be to inspire change in your listeners. It’s not about having a perfect delivery or showing off your knowledge. Your main focus should be on the needs of your audience. You want them to leave the room feeling inspired and motivated to make a change for the better.

2. Speak with Power

The second key to being a solid communicator is to speak with power. Power comes from full congruency, which means having full alignment in all aspects of your life. As humans, we lead three lives: our public life, our private life, and our inner life. The most powerful speakers have full congruency in all three lives. When they speak, they are fully aligned in their hearts, minds, and souls. This alignment gives them the power to influence and persuade their listeners.

3. Speak with Passion

The third key to being a solid communicator is to speak with passion. Passion comes from storytelling. People love stories. The age old adage is true: “facts tell but stories sell”. Storytelling stimulates the brain because it connects information with emotion. When you use storytelling in your communication, you inject passion into your message.

Always remember that your purpose should be to inspire change in your listeners. To have power, you need full congruency in all aspects of your life. And to have passion, you need to incorporate storytelling into your communication. By mastering these three keys, you too can become a solid communicator that captivates your audience and inspires change.