Recently, we had the privilege of hosting some of our esteemed partners from Vietnam. During our sessions together, I emphasized three crucial areas that are fundamental to building a successful, big and sustainable business. These principles transcend borders and industries, serving as timeless guidelines for success.

#1 – Company

The foundation of any successful business lies in the company’s core values and leadership. It’s essential to look beyond surface-level achievements and headlines. Instead, focus on understanding the character of the founder and top leadership, as they shape the company’s vision, mission, and culture. Just like the roots of a tree, strong and deep company roots lay the groundwork for abundant and fruitful outcomes. Building a business with integrity and ethical practices will always yield better long-term results.

#2 – Strategy

As the ancient Chinese philosopher and military strategist Sun Tzu once said, “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” This timeless wisdom highlights the importance of strategic planning. Successful businesses prioritize strategy before taking action, ensuring that every move is calculated and purposeful. Equally important is knowing what not to do, as good planning involves recognizing and avoiding potential pitfalls. I shared my “PIP Model” for wealth creation, focusing on Proactive, Investive, and Passive income streams, which align with the idea of strategic planning for success.

#3 – Consistency

Consistency is the secret weapon of achievers and the hallmark of successful people. Much like how dripping water gradually carves holes into rocks or a high-pressure waterjet cuts through an anvil, consistent efforts yield remarkable results over time. It is not only about starting but also about staying committed and consistent until the goal is achieved. Without consistency, even the most ambitious plans and dreams can wither away. Embracing consistency as a superpower allows entrepreneurs to push through challenges and stay on track towards realizing their aspirations.

In conclusion, building a successful business requires a multi-faceted approach. By focusing on the company’s foundation, formulating a well-thought-out strategy, and practicing unwavering consistency, entrepreneurs can pave the way to extraordinary achievements. As we march through 2023, let these three key areas be our compass, guiding us towards smashing all our goals and fostering enduring success.