Money, the ever-present force that shapes our lives, carries different meanings for each of us. It’s a topic that sparks fierce debates, mends broken relationships, and fuels dreams. One of the earliest lessons from a mentor that left an indelible mark on my thinking was, “What does money mean to you?”

For most people, money boils down to three fundamental aspects:

👉🏼Freedom: Money offers the freedom to make choices, pursue passions, and live life on your terms.
👉🏼Power: It bestows a degree of influence and the ability to make an impact, whether in business, charity, or personal pursuits.
👉🏼Security: Money provides a safety net, a shield against life’s uncertainties, and a sense of stability.

Take a moment to self-reflect with the diagram below:

🟢 Identify where you stand within the triangle to determine which aspect of money holds the most significance for you. For instance, if freedom ranks highest and security lowest, you’d position yourself closer to the green dot on the diagram.

🟢 Delve into the “why” behind your prioritization. Why does one aspect hold more meaning than another? This exercise is a journey of self-awareness, not judgment.

Understanding what money means to you can profoundly impact your financial decisions, aspirations, and life choices. It’s a powerful tool for personal growth as you navigate life’s financial landscapes.