Writing a New Year’s resolution is almost as if you are writing down a list of things that you probably will not accomplish. Instead of limiting yourself to a list, why not focus on these three elements and watch everything else fall into place.

1. Belief

Before any athlete, entrepreneur or artist win their race, they believe in themselves first. So first and foremost, what is your personal set of beliefs?

Your life is largely affected by your personal belief. If you believe that you are a failure, your life will be a failure. Likewise, if you believe that you are successful, your life will be a success. The words we tell ourselves in our hearts and minds will be portrayed in our physical world.

Dr. Emoto famously showed how words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, and water crystals. Water crystals that were exposed to positive words formed geometric designs in their crystalline patterns. Conversely, the same water crystals that were exposed to negative words showed distortion and undefined patterns.

Since our human body is made up of 75% water, can you see the link between having the right belief and your life? Set your personal belief straight and start seeing your life turning into the vision you have for it!

2. Resilience

This is probably the most under-rated quality in personal and business success.

As you plan out your personal and career goals, it is important to know that not all of them will be achieved in the way you want or in the time-frame you planned for. Some of your goals will require more time while some can be achieved within your targeted time frame. Here’s the important point:

What specific action will you take towards your unachieved goals?

Are you going to give up because you failed or are you going to push forward and continue to try? Many would choose to give up because they think stuff like: “This is not for me” or “It’s too hard!” or “I never wanted it in the first place.” Justifications and excuses set in.

The founders of Pandora were denied investments 300 times before they became successful. Today, Pandora is sold in over 100 countries around the world and is the third largest jewelry company globally. In 2015, Pandora introduced their e-commerce website and they are currently the jewelry industry’s most visited website, ahead of Tiffany, Blue Nile, and Swarovski.

What enabled them to survive 300 rejections and still continued to press on towards their goal? Resilience.

3. Daily Grace

You go to sleep and wake up to a brand new day with new challenges and tasks ahead of you. Your body does not run 24 hours a day 7 times a week without sleep. What does this say? Take one day at a time!

There is absolutely no point to fret about what is ahead for the week, the following months, the following years. Because there is nothing you can do about it or control it. Why do we do this?


It’s because we tend to live in the past with regret and in the future with fear. The only way we know how to manage this is to live in the present with worry. I say, stop it!

Take each day as a daily masterclass that helps you to maximise your fullest potential. Shift your focus to your daily activities instead of future activities. Sure, you can plan ahead, but do not stress ahead. Here lies the difference.

In the new year ahead, channel your focus, energy and strength on the present. Tackle it with confidence and passion. Pause and take time to rest and spend time with your loved ones. You only have enough provision to go through one day at a time. Stop worrying about your future and turn that frown into a smile!


“Next year will be the best year yet” – says everyone. But for some of you, your previous year was the worst year yet. As you reflect deeper, you would realise that there were certainly some portions of the year that were better than the rest.

For 2019, I want to encourage you to leave the past behind and look forward. Like driving a car, the rear-view mirror is much smaller than the windscreen. You are not meant to look back on the past. Learn from past mistakes but keep building momentum and always move forward.

A new year would mean nothing if you do not have a new mindset. Sometimes all you need is a new mindset to tackle your life, not a brand new year.

Wishing you an awesome 2019!


Mario Singh