As it’s the holiday season, you might come across many reminders to be giving and generous. After all, this is what the year-end holidays have come to be known for – giving thanks and letting people know how much we cherish or love them.

Of course, none of us wants to be like Ebenezer Scrooge from the classic holiday tale A Christmas Carol. No one wants to be looked at as if they’re uptight and miserly. But, let’s be honest – giving isn’t always easy. Often, it’s hard to see any reason to be more generous than necessary, especially when you’re just starting your career as an entrepreneur.

However, there are plenty of good reasons for you to be giving. You’ll be surprised to see just how much giving can make your business receive even more!

People Like Generosity

People are drawn to stories centred on good deeds. How could they not, when there’s so much negative news flooding our airwaves every day? People like stories of kindness and empathy, and for a very good reason! We tend to want to see the human side of things and find connection on an emotional level.

This, then, is what giving can do for your business. It allows people to see values that they appreciate, by a company that goes the extra mile to do it.

Good Reputation Matters

No one wants to patronise bad companies. Companies that have bad reputations for being stingy and corner-cutting are the ones people tend to avoid. This is why giving is important. Giving allows people to remember your business as the company that offers themselves in meaningful ways, and therefore be more. This is how Bill Gates has developed such a good reputation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, after donating over $36 billion to charitable causes.

When you put your name out there and show others that your business does more than just chase after profits, it reminds people that your brand, your vision and the causes you champion are things worth investing in. People will think that their money is going to the right place because it goes back out to the people who need it.

It Sets a Good Example for Your Employees

I’ve previously talked about why it’s important to develop a good company culture. On that note, being charitable is something that you want to instill in your team. When your team sees how much you and your business give, and give graciously, that’s when they’ll be inspired to give their all too.

Hardworking employees are the lifeblood of a business. Show your team that caring and giving are the most important things. That way, they’ll be excited to give their all to the company as well.

It’s the Right Thing to Do

At the end of the day, it’s important to nurture a culture of giving when growing your business simply because it’s the right thing to do. While your journey as an entrepreneur is something you should take every opportunity to be proud of, the truth is not everybody is as fortunate, and often for reasons out of their control.

As they say, those who have more should give more. This doesn’t mean you’re a pushover. It doesn’t mean that you’re giving up the things you earn. All it means is that you recognise other people have less than you, and you have the moral responsibility to help those people get back on their feet.

At its core, business is about enabling. It’s about giving people the opportunity to make their life better. That’s what real empowerment is, and the best way you can do that for others is by giving.

To your success,


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