Right now, there are 7.5 billion people on the planet – that simply translates to a lot of potential clients waiting to benefit from your next big idea. But it also means it’s pretty much impossible to catch everybody’s attention. And this is the reality that every entrepreneur, including myself, must deal with. The market gets more saturated by the day, and it’s difficult to get you and your business’ name out there.

Even the biggest billion-dollar businesses worry about staying innovative and constantly reinventing their brands. The good news? This problem isn’t as unsolvable as you might think. Today I’m going to show you a few ways on how you can re-energise your brand, rise above the noise and get your brand’s message heard!

1. Strengthen Your Identity, Don’t Chase Competition

Ultimately, your brand is your identity. It’s not only how you present yourself externally, but it’s a reflection of what composes your business internally. It shows what you value and why people should believe in your brand. And this might sound a little counterintuitive but caring too much about the competition can be a bad thing. Yes, it’s important to see what your competitors are doing, but if that’s all you care about, then you might just end up being a copycat or becoming a brand lacking any real identity.

For instance, take the billion-dollar sneaker industry – and Jordan brand specifically. The Jordan brand makes millions of dollars a year selling retro copies of old shoe models, just in different colourways. In a world that values innovation, you would think that selling the same shoes since the 1980s would be a death sentence. However, what Jordan brand has figured out is that instead of always trying to keep up with the newest technology or the flavour of the month, it’s more important to stay true to their brand and what makes them great. Quite paradoxically, their shoes’ familiarity or conventionality is what makes them unique.

Similarly, re-energising your brand means fully embracing what your brand actually is. You won’t be able to beat the competition if you’re always focused on it. Look to first strengthen your identity, know how your offering serves consumers in a meaningful way and keep at it; that way, you’ll have an unbeatable product.

2. Know How to Prioritise

I get it; you want to do so many things. You want your brand to mean so many things to different people and have as many products as possible. I’m the last person to tell you that’s a bad idea. You should always want to diversify and offer as many products as you can while staying faithful to your brand.

However, you also need to know that you can’t do this all at once. In fact, sometimes you won’t be able to do many of the things you want to do because it simply won’t work. Prioritising the things you want your business to take on is important because that will save you resources and make sure you focus your energies on developing only the best ideas.

One good technique I use is to sort the things I need to do into groups of “to do immediately,” “to do when I can,” and “don’t do.” The third one is particularly important. There will be ideas you need to discard, but as long as you can deliver the products and services that you know you can offer (and execute them well!), your brand will only keep being relevant and energised.

3. Embrace New Ideas

If you want to reignite your brand, then consider finding people who can bring new ideas to the table. This doesn’t necessarily mean overhauling how you do things or what your brand stands for. Incorporating new perspectives – especially from those who are conversant with the markets you serve – could just as well mean reaching out to consumers with the same solid offerings, but in new, creative ways.

This is why it’s more important now to inject fresh blood into your team. The best way to re-energise a brand is to start fresh, and to challenge conventional thinking (and possible complacency) wherever you can – and there are few better ways to do that than actually having creative minds and willing hearts to bring your brand to the future.

To your success,


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