Time is a constant worry, but here is a revelation for you; Presidents and Prime Ministers have the same time as you and I, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have the same time as you and I, your bosses and their business competitors have the same time as you and I.

What is their secret?  

The secret is simple, they do not complain. More often than not, leaders of organisations hear these common anthem from their team or colleagues:

“I don’t have the time!”, “I’ve got too much to do!”, and “If only there were 30 hours in a day!”

If you don’t have time to do the tasks set before you, start planning out your schedule instead of complaining!

1. Plan 

As the old saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Start planning the week’s tasks on the first day of the week, and leave room for urgent tasks that supersedes tasks that you have planned to complete.

List down your tasks onto a paper, planner, or your phone and follow through!

2. Prioritise

After you’ve prioritise your tasks, set them according to importance.

If it is important and urgent? Do it.

If it is important but not urgent, defer it.

If it is not important but urgent, delegate it.

If it is not important and not urgent, dump it!

3. Push-through

After you have prioritised your tasks, you need to follow and push through your schedule.

You need to allocate specific time for certain tasks that require more time to complete, start with the hardest first followed by the simplest. You need to start executing your plan and prevent yourself from getting distracted.

The most simplest way to avoid distraction? Keep your mobile phones and social networking apps away from you when you are at work.

To your success,



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