There are two things I’ve always wanted to achieve – (1) write a best-selling book, and (2) be mentioned in the same sentence with some of the world’s great thinkers. I feel so privileged to have finally done both.

My latest book – The Magical Rule of 3 – is officially an Amazon Bestseller in not just one, but TWO categories (#1 Bestseller and #1 Hot New Release). It was such a rewarding experience to see the book being ranked alongside, and even outselling works by two of the biggest names in their respective fields – J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series and former US President Barack Obama’s latest memoir, A Promised Land.

Needless to say, these feats are things I would’ve never thought I could’ve achieved. But it goes to show that the tried-and-tested formula for success is right there – do what you love, keep doing it, and share what you’ve learned with others.

That’s why this achievement is not, and will never be, just mine. It’s just as much yours. You, my readers and listeners, are the ones who have made this possible – not just through your purchases, but also by giving me the strength and confidence to keep pushing for my dreams, and opening your hearts to listen to my story.

My only dream in anything I do is to add value to people’s lives and help them make their money work for them. That was my objective for writing The Magical Rule of 3 – to share with you insights on how to stay relevant in a rapidly changing landscape.

It’s called The Magical Rule of 3 because I’m a big believer in how ‘three’ can be such a powerful number when it comes to success. The book unpacks three key pillars – Personal, Financial and Entrepreneurial Success. Each pillar is elaborated in three points, helping you to claim success in those areas. And it’s making these things as bite-sized as possible that I believe you can immediately start bringing out the best in yourself.

All this said, I’m still nowhere near the level of success as Rowling or Obama. But writing this book and having it listed alongside works by amazing authors reminds me that anything is possible with hard work, and that’s what I want you to remember too.

So, thank you for believing in this dream. Thank you for pushing me to keep learning and paying my knowledge forward. Hopefully this wild achievement is just a sign of things to come for our wonderful community that I’ve come to love and learn from every single day.

If you want to read the book or learn more about it, make sure you grab your copy here and start your own journey to success through the magical rule of three.

To your success,

Mario Singh