In my previous article, I had defined and explained success in the areas of health, wealth and relationships. If you have missed the previous article, you can read it here to understand the 3 basic areas of success.

In this second article, I will elaborate on 3 levels of success. Through this article, I hope you will be able to find your purpose and set your path towards achieving that success you have always desired.

1. Science of Achievement

The science of achievement involves you improving yourself. More often than not, you find yourself in a loop, going in circles but never to an end destination. Why does this happen? There may be certain areas that you need improvements or to develop certain skills to break boundaries.

  • Health

Health holds the highest importance. How are you able to achieve and enjoy success if you are unable to move around, stuck in hospital for treatments, or going through psychological therapy? Treat your body and mind with love, and your physical being will drive you towards success.

  • Wealth 

Wealth, the coveted success for most people, but not everyone has the opportunity to achieve this particular success. It is dependent on education, creativity and most importantly, relationships.

Education opens doors of opportunities in the field of specialisation you have chosen to embark on. With experience built over the years, your value increases, generating more income for your skills. If you are lacking certain skills, it is never too late to learn.

Creativity is not a naturally given skill that everyone possesses, but it can be inspired. If you lack creativity, search for contents on the internet to push that hidden creativity in you.

  • Relationships

Through my years of experience as an entrepreneur, I believe this is the most important element of success.

The right relationships can bring you far, it can bring you the opportunities you were lacking, and the valuable advice that nobody bothers to give you. Start building relationships and trust within your family, and slowly branch it out to friends that you trust and has walked through journeys with you.

Lastly, build relationships with industry players and experts. Build contacts from every single industry in the market, because you will need their insights and expertise, especially if you are a business owner.

2. Art of Fulfilment

The art of fulfilment is about your internal self, understanding and knowing your value, meaning and purpose. Unlike the science of achievement, different people have different perceptions on their self-worth.

You may know some people who took sabbatical leave from work to “find their purpose”. They travel to countries that are different from their homes, embrace and discover new cultures, and returned home as a brand-new person.

A palliative nurse, Bronnie Ware, shared a post about the top 5 regrets of the dying and it went viral. It says:

  • “I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  • “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard”
  • “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends”
  • “I wish I had the courage to express my feelings”
  • “I wish I had let myself be happier”

Does any of these sounds familiar? If it resonates with you, try doing it and maybe you can find your value, meaning, and purpose in life.

3. Magic of Enlightenment

At this level, it is about giving to others, contributing back to society, or helping to better earth for living.

Researchers from London School of Economics examined the relationship between volunteering and happiness, they discovered that the more people volunteered the happier they were. If you have already achieved level 1 and 2 of success, this could be what you’re missing out to make it feel whole.

The famous former Prime Minister of Britain once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give”. And I could not agree more! If you believe in the Bible, it also says “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

Personally, I set up a foundation to give to organisations and homes in South-east Asian countries that are struggling with supply of necessities and finances. A portion of my companies’ profits will be given to these organisations.

If you can, start giving back to society and enjoy the joy of giving!

Success for generations to come

Now that you know about the 3 levels of success, go forth and create magical success for you and your future generations to enjoy and be proud of!

To your success,



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