If you’re anything like me, you’re probably really excited for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the ninth installment in George Lucas’ iconic saga. The Star Wars series is a milestone in pop culture, transcending generations and inspiring millions of children to learn the ways of the Force.

However, Star Wars is more than just a popular film series and its impressive valuation of $65 billion (it’s the fifth highest-grossing media franchise ever). Star Wars actually teaches you so much about how to grow your career as a budding entrepreneur.

So, sit back and allow me to teach you the ways of the Force, young Padawan. Here are things you can learn from Star Wars so that you can apply them to your own business.

Balance Is Important

In Star Wars, a very important concept is that of balance. It’s mentioned very frequently how the Force has two sides – dark and light – and how it must maintain its balance.

This might seem like a very abstract concept, but consider how balance can apply to your journey as an entrepreneur. Believe it or not, there are many ways to find balance in your company.

Work-life balance is probably the most talked-about kind of balance and something that many millennial employees desire. If you approach running your business with work-life balance in mind, your employees will appreciate how they matter as individuals.

Also, a balance of seriousness and attraction is a very noteworthy thing to maintain. Look at how Apple, while being a tech company that sells some of the highest-end equipment, prides itself on being user-friendly and accessible. Maintaining a balance between professionalism and dynamism is vital for people to love and trust your business.

Without this balance, it would be very easy for people to feel like your business doesn’t care about them, and this could very well lead them to turn to “the dark side.”

Do or Do Not, There Is No Try

I brought this up in my article titled How to Turn Your Business Dreams into Reality, but it’s worth repeating. One of the most famous quotes in Star Wars occurs during Luke Skywalker’s training with Yoda on the planet Dagobah. After Yoda instructs him to do something, Luke responds with “I’ll try,” to which Yoda says, “Do or do not, there is no try.”

We often get stuck in just dreaming and planning what our lives will be like. However, Star Wars reminds us that in business, there are no easy shortcuts. Often, you have to take the initiative to see your goals through. You need to be able to approach every challenge with a closer’s mindset of achieving what you want.

There is value in trying, but you also can’t just start things and be content with just that. Take on every obstacle with the goal of coming through on it. If you enter every difficulty with the mindset that you can’t do something, then you’re setting yourself up to lose from the get-go.

Let Go of Fear

Now when you’ve adopted the attitude mentioned in the previous points, you’ll then also need to learn to let go of fear. This is another thing Star Wars preaches – that fear is the path to the dark side. This is also true in business.

To be able to start and run a good business, you need to be able to take risks and stand in the face of fear. There will always be scares along the way; however, you must not let them get to you. Your growth as an entrepreneur is something for you to claim, and not something that fear should be able to dictate.

If you stay fearful (often, of possibly failing, under-performing or being rejected), you might end up feeling insecure, unmotivated or hesitant, more frequently than what is healthy. Have more confidence in your abilities and the possibilities that come about when you do. Doing the opposite will only lead you to the dark side.

To your success,


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