Have you ever wondered what your gift to the world might be? It’s often nestled somewhere between your passions, your talents as recognized by others, and what you do for a living. For me, one of my gifts is speaking, and I’ve been fortunate enough to be asked how to speak effectively. Here are three quick tips on how to speak with clarity and power:

👉🏼 Words as Creators: Understand that the primary purpose of words isn’t just communication; it’s creation. Be intentional with what you say to yourself and others, as words have the power to shape reality.

👉🏼 Speaking to the Heart: Great speakers don’t merely convey information; they speak to the heart. Strive for transformation rather than just providing data. Touching emotions is the key to influence and persuasion.

👉🏼 Master Storytelling: Storytelling is a potent tool because it connects information with emotion, stimulating the brain. It’s the secret sauce to injecting influence and persuasion into your message.

Remember, if speaking isn’t your natural gift, it’s a skill you can develop through practice and dedication. Most importantly, know that you do possess a unique gift. Discover it and use it wisely to make a positive impact in this world, as nothing truly belongs to us on this side of eternity.