Do you consider yourself as a youth? This is a group of people aged between 15 years to 30 years old. Given the age range, youths today are considered the future of our society. The youths today are the future of our economy, nation, and businesses.

The role of the youth is simply to renew and refresh. They have the ability to improve leadership, communications, and create new innovations. From a nation’s perspective, they can influence new policies for education and politics.

Youths can change our future, they can be a good reminder of us at their age. We are not investing on our youths enough today. Most youths have no vision, but they have dreams. Unfortunately, they do not know how to achieve their dreams nor have the drive to make any attempts to achieve them. We must mentor and motivate our youth. Business leaders are allocating this important element to busy managers who do not have real time to guide them.

“Don’t despise your youth. Treasure every moment of it, your age does not define your value to the society.” – Mario Singh

Education is the most important. What I mean by education is not the conventional institutions, though they are important. Education also means life skills, it is the key to success and development. Information from the experienced mentors and leaders concerned with various disciplines need to be made available to our youths to achieve their role for the society in future.

This is a wake up call for all the youths and the experienced. The time is now, our future is in our hands. Let us arise and work towards our future, together with our youths.


Mario Singh