Learn how they can help you achieve your vision, strategy, and execution in your business.

Last year, I shared with my key executives on the 3 main pillars that guided our planning:

👉🏼 Vision (where are we going?)

👉🏼 Strategy (how are we getting there?)

👉🏼 Execution (what do we need to do?)

This year, in our global planning, I added two keywords to the mix: wisdom and gumption.

Wisdom is needed to move us from Vision to Strategy. Gumption is needed to move us from Strategy to Execution.

Wisdom is different from knowledge and understanding. Knowledge deals with learning facts and figures while understanding deals with interpreting those learnings. Wisdom, on the other hand, is about having perspective and discernment to make sound judgements.

While knowledge and understanding deal with the past and present, wisdom deals with the future. I would go so far as to say that wisdom incorporates moral imperatives in it. To know what is right and wrong when making value judgements.

Gumption is about having a spirited initiative and a sense of resourcefulness. This is necessary because there will always be challenges when strategies are being executed on the ground. When gumption is missing, the failures in execution can affect the strategies that were laid out.

When gumption is present, its very notion ensures that strategies remain intact and allow for pivots at the execution level without compromising the strategies that have been laid out.

In summary:

Wisdom is needed to move us from Vision to Strategy, and Gumption is needed to move us from Strategy to Execution because:

🔥 Without wisdom and gumption, failures in execution can affect strategy and derail the ultimate vision.

🔥 With wisdom and gumption, it ensures that vision leads strategy and strategy leads execution.

With these two qualities, you can ensure that your vision leads your strategy, and your strategy leads your execution. So as you move forward in 2023, make sure you are bringing wisdom and gumption to everything you do. Here’s to your best year yet in scaling your organisation!