Age is a touchy topic for a lot of people, and I completely understand why. As I get older, it hasn’t always been a great feeling. You grow up with an expectation that when you grow older, the world becomes simpler and easier, and often, that isn’t true. Especially not nowadays, with technological progress accelerating faster and faster, and making it difficult to keep up. 

Every time I have to ask my kids how to manoeuvre an app (I can’t count how many times they’ve had to fix my Zoom meetings or explain memes), I think about how ironic it is that technological advances that are supposed to make our lives simpler and more convenient can be so confusing. It might feel difficult sometimes to keep up with the latest trends or technologies, but the truth is we have no other choice but to simply accept it. 

Yes, like it or not, trends, sensibilities, senses of humour, and technology are always going to change and move forward, for the simple reason that time marches forward too. It can be distressing, as I’ve mentioned, but honestly, thinking about it too much is really just a waste of time. Instead, we need to embrace the change and adapt with it. We are responsible for our own place in an ever-changing world. It’s on us to keep up with the times, and this is a principle that also extends to our approach in investing. 

In this blog, I want to share a thing or two on how you can start adapting to the rapid changes in the world of investing brought about by the rapid changes in technology. 

Invest in Potential 

Look, I’m not about to tell you to risk your entire life savings on an unproven investment. That’s just bad advice regardless. What I am saying, though, is that perhaps one thing we’ve learned this century is that “proven investments” are, and have always been, a myth. 

We’ve seen a number of global recessions since the turn of the millennium, and if it taught us anything, it’s that there’s no such thing as safety stocks. We’ve witnessed massive asset classes close down and become flat, and we’ve seen once-huge companies get bankrupt in just a few years. Even in what seem to be the safest stocks, investing is never risk-free. 

Conversely, though, consider the rise of cryptocurrency. What was once thought to be a useless and intangible asset (and to many, still is seen that way), has inflated drastically in just the last few years. So many people have gotten rich off of investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum early, and their handsome rewards should be seen as aspirational for you in your investment approach.

Of course, I’m not saying you shouldn’t diversify, or that you should invest solely on crypto. As with any investment, you still need to do your due diligence in understanding the projections of what you put your money into. But I believe that things new and unfamiliar might just warrant serious consideration. There is value in potential, especially when the world changes so fast. 

Take Advantage of Trading Innovations

The Forex industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years thanks to technological advancement. 

Back when I was younger, if you wanted to trade, the best option was to work on it yourself and learn everything there is to know about a company you’re investing in. This is what made trading such an arduous career. Also, corporations and financial institutions held a monopoly over the Forex market. But nowadays, the barrier to entering this market is lower than ever. 

Technology has made things so much easier for anyone that wants to get into trading, and that’s in big part due to innovations. One that I want to talk about in particular is copy trading. 

Copy trading, as the name suggests, allows traders to automate their trading by copying the same investments that credible and respectable traders do. If you’re a beginner trader, this is a massively powerful tool that allows you to familiarise yourself with the trading ecosystem without having to risk trusting your beginner instincts. You get to learn from the best traders and take part in the market without too much time or investment. 

We have our own copy trading system called CopyPip at Fullerton Markets, where strategy providers and followers can enjoy mutual benefits. The former earn performance fees on top of their trading profit, while the latter earn on autopilot by copying winning trades.

Technology will further transform the financial markets in the upcoming years, which will open even more doors. It’s on us to leverage it so we can make faster, and more effective investment decisions. 

To your success,


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