Have you ever fallen victim to any investment scams? Or perhaps you know someone who has? It’s a common story. The lure of easy money and fast returns can be too tempting for some to resist. But how can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from such scams?

In a recent business meeting, one partner posed this very question.

I picked up a pen and said, “Let’s assume this is a knife. If you put this knife in the hands of a thief, he will use it to rob you. If you put the same knife in the hands of a chef, he makes you gourmet food. The problem is never the knife. The problem is always the person holding the knife. Similarly, the problem is never the industry. Money itself is amoral, but in the world today there’s real fiat money and then there’s counterfeit money. The problem is never the money; the problem is always the person.” They understood that.

I also went on to explain that the vast majority of people, about 80%, fall into the trap of investment scams because they are greedy and lazy. They want easy and fast money, and scammers prey on this weakness. The key to avoiding such scams is to be part of the remaining 20% who are diligent and hardworking.

The 20% do not chase money for a quick fix. Instead, they have a long-term perspective and focus on attracting money through hard work and perseverance. They are not operating at the same wavelength as scammers, and therefore, they are less likely to fall prey to investment scams.

The key takeaway is this: it is not about the industry or the money, it is about the person and their mindset. If we choose to be diligent, work on ourselves and adopt a long-term perspective, we will NEVER attract scammers because we are simply not operating at the same wavelength as them. They understood that too.

Remember, the power of belief is real. Believe in yourself and your ability to attract success through hard work and diligence.

The 20% do not chase money for a quick fix. Instead, they have a long-term perspective and focus on attracting money through hard work and perseverance. They are not operating at the same wavelength as scammers, and therefore, they are less likely to fall prey to investment scams.